INTA 141st Annual Meeting

Boston, Massachusetts, USA 18 – 22 May This year’s event was held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center and Braz was represented by Sérgio Braz and Helene Nel.  This

Anti-Counterfeit and brand protection training

Maputo, Mozambique 7 – 9 May Braz was the organizers of this event and it was held in conjunction with INAE that is the local enforcement authority.  Sérgio Braz, Helena

Sports Branding

Maputo, Mozambique 29 April The event was organized by INAE (National Inspectorate of Economic Activities) in collaboration with the US Embassy in Mozambique and ANJE (National Association of Young Entrepreneurs). 

INTA Europe Conference Paris

France 18 – 19 February The future of brands, their online presence, embracing change and promoting brands in the digital world was the main focus of the Conference.  This event

INTA Middle East & Africa Conference

Dubai, UAE 10 – 11 December Innovation, investment and IP was the focus of this event.  The management of trademark protection, strategies to protect consumers, guarding against infringements and counterfeit

Fight against pharmaceutical crime and products that affect public health

Maputo, Mozambique 3 – 4 May This event was organized by Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) and SERNIC (National Service of Criminal Investigation) and Braz was represented by Sérgio Braz

INTA 140th Annual Meeting

Seattle, Washington, USA 19 – 23 May This year the INTA Annual Meeting is back in the USA and back in Seattle.  The meeting was held 9 years ago in

Patent cooperation treaty (PCT)

Maputo, Mozambique 23 – 25 April This event was organized by the Industrial Property Institute (IPI), in coordination with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Braz was represented by

The relevance of industrial property for commercial banks

Maputo, Mozambique 13 December This event was organized by IPI and Braz was represented by Maria Augusta, Priscilla Zibia and Celso Ruco.  The meeting aimed to disseminate information on the

Meeting on Banjul Protocol

Maputo, Mozambique 8 – 9 June This event was organized by the Institute of Industrial Property collaboration with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and Braz was represented by Cláudia Mabone
